Thursday, 09 November 2017 17:28

Innovation competition

Open innovation competition grants

Open innovation competition grants is one of the main paths comprising the project Learning, Acting, Creating and Educating for Sustainable Development Goals / LACE for SDGs /.

Calls for local projects

The Association Navigator together with project partners innovation grants in open competition.
The Innovation Competition LACE for SDGs is open for innovative projects created by young people (between 18-30 years old), citizens of one of the participating countries (Bulgaria, Italy, France, Spain, Thailand, Nepal and India) promoting active one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals promoted by United Nations.
This competition aims to encourage and support youth initiative in the field of the global biggest needs and to create a bridge between communities from 7 countries and two continents: Europe and Asia.

With the aim to encourage and support youth initiative, LACE for SDGs is now calling for all innovative ideas from the 7 partner countries to support the implementation to contribute to the achievement of the 17 SDGs. Project proposal will be presented in our collaboration hub, at
On 20th of February 2018, 17 projects will be selected and announced. All selected projects’ leaders will receive:
-Assistance from the youth organizations’ partners to build this project
-A training course in held in Pazardjik, Bulgaria between 7th – 13th of April 2018, special designed to help the participants to gain more competencies in the project management and to offer the space to compare their ideas and experiences in the field of their common passions and interest in being active for SDGs.
-Founded support from organization / max 1000 euro for the project/s/
-Training course in Bulgaria

After the training course in April, all projects will have to be implemented in their respective country in accordance with the submitted proposals and the results will be uploaded on the online platform to, and they will have to offer clear reports to their organizations about what they succeed to achieve inside of this experience.

str. "Todor Penev №13"


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