Thursday, 23 July 2015 18:23


The project "BUILD UP YOUR FUTURE " took place between 07/12/2015 and 07/22/2015. It involved 40 young people from 8 countries - Italy, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria. The activities were held in Pazardzhik. This is one of the poorest EU regions, famous for its high youth unemployment, while this region is rich in natural, cultural and historical sites. With a view of all this in the context of high youth unemployment; we, as "Navigator", believe that the region has a great potential to provide employment for young people, which is why we organized this exchange to achieve the targets led the main theme of the project; namely the potential of natural wonders to reduce youth unemployment.

The project objectives are:
• Identifying the problems of young people in different countries, causes of youth unemployment and how to integrate into the labor market in a better way;
• Introducing participants with best practices for utilizing the potential of natural and cultural sites to ensure youth employment;
• Presenting the opportunity for participants to learn about the natural and cultural wonders, regulation, protection and promoting them;
• Participants create innovative projects related to natural wonders, which will contribute to reduce youth unemployment both in the region and participating countries.
• Increasing the skills and competencies associated with searching, finding and applying for a job.
• Receiving adequate support and assistance in preparing a resume and cover letter by youth workers - participants in youth exchanges.
• Increasing the awareness of participants about the opportunities Erasmus + which comes with the direction in vocational guidance and career.
Exchanges contribute to increase the knowledge of young people's natural wonders, as well as effective and creative use of the potential of these miracles to provide alternatives to youth employment. They were hit problems with unemployment in each of the participating countries, and in particular youth unemployment and how they can overcome these problems. In the ten days of the exchange, it was focused on increasing the activity of young people in the labor market by increasing the number of skills and competencies.
Young people successfully created, scored and demonstrated various innovative projects in practice with the realization of the new ideas for the follow up after found during the exchange. Youth exchanges helped young people gain confidence in their abilities, develop their knowledge and skills to use their creativity for the realization of various projects in their local communities. All of these made them more competitive and this resulted in a dynamic labor market. As a result, they opened many new opportunities for them.

str. "Todor Penev №13"


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